#7 Ride The Cyclone at Coney Island

Thanks to an invitation for June and I to join them for a day at Coney Island, Rick and Trish Carpenter helped me knock another one off my list.

I haven’t been to Coney Island since the kids were little, and even then we didn’t go on any of the rides. I know…bad mother. So this time, with no whiny kids in tow, we got to enjoy the day like God intended. Leisurely and in blissful peace. The three of them rode The Thunderbolt. I’ve gotten used to my organs where they are and decided to skip it. But The Cyclone was calling.

I like (most) roller coasters but those old wooden ones are a bit jarring and I always tend to count my teeth when I’m done ‘cos I’m sure one or two get jostled out each time. June skipped this one so that meant it was me, Rick and Trish. In hindsight Trish and I should’ve squeezed in together instead of getting our own seats. When that thing moves…and boy does it…you slide from side to side with such force that I’m now considering double hip replacements.

Built in 1927, The Cyclone is celebrating its 90th year. Pretty impressive, though from what I can tell that was the last time it was serviced too. But holy shit that’s a thrilling ride. No loops, no upside downs and nothing but gravity to propel it. Way cool.

Oh and if you’re looking for a place to people watch to the extreme, Coney Island is the place to do it. And a hot dog at Nathan’s doesn’t suck either.

Completed 9/4/17

Suggested by some chick named Mia at the Turks & Caicos Airport